IPad Archive

Top 10 Best iPad 2 News Apps

iPad 2’s screen resolution makes it an ideal device for, basically, a portable PC and with its high-quality display Apple is known for implementing into their products, reading news should be crystal clear. With the number of publications that offer quality news coverage, it can be difficult

75 Best Mobile Phone Wallpapers for Inspiration

If you are asked a question that what is that thing that literally stays with you for approximately the entire length of the day. The answer would actually be quite simple for people who once have had the taste of it. Yes, you are right, I am

20 Best Social Networking Apps for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch

Credit: Flickr Social networking has changed the way we do things in several ways. Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook has changed the face of the Internet in both technological and social aspects forever, whilst other social networking services such as Twitter provide a lot of options for the iPad 2 in terms

Top 15 Best iPad 2 Games

The iPad 2’s screen, as well as design alone should result in an enjoyable gaming experience for all groups of users. With the iPad’s success in regards to games, its successor has mirrored the same effect with its users. VOICEABLE has compiled a list of the top

20 Best Puzzle Games for iPhone or iPad

credit: Flickr Apple’s iTunes is the home to, literally, hundreds of thousands of games. One such category which is popular to the iPhone/iPad’s successor is undoubtedly puzzle. With thousands of games based on puzzle, iPhone/iPad owners are spoilt for choice regarding the best ones available. Voiceable has compiled a

Top 10 Best iPad 2 Small Business Apps

iPad is used by millions of businesses; such is Apple’s device’s popularity that the iOS-powered device has become the norm in running and managing businesses from everything to note taking, scheduling and managing finances. Voiceable has compiled a list of the top 10 iPad 2 applications for

Top 10 Best iPad Halloween Apps

Halloween applications have already been developed for the iPad counterpart – the iPhone – but there’s also several quality applications based on Halloween for the iPad itself. VOICEABLE has compiled a list of the top 10 best iPad Halloween apps. 10. Catalog Spree: Best iPad Halloween Apps

How to Improve Battery Life of Your iPad

iPad is good at giving good battery backup but you might want to consider adding more time to it, right? Then here are the best tips that will help you improve the battery life of your iPad significantly. I have applied these tips myself and observed notable

How To Disable Auto-Sync When Connecting iPhone/iPad/iPod With Your Computer Through iTunes

Whenever you connect your iPad/iPhone/iPod with iTunes using a computer, iTunes starts itself and after that it directly begins to automatically synchronize all your stuff between the IOS handheld device and your computer. I was so annoyed of this stuff and wanted to find a way through

Top 10 Creations and Innovations by Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs changed the world as we had known it; spearheading the company he created with Steve Wozniak, Apple revolution’s technology and its impact society. Jobs, one of the most memorable visionaries, always seemed to know the right time to launch a product and, in doing so, made