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The Titanic App to be Released for iPad

The technology bloggers surely spend hours and hours to get the most favorite, amazing and latest reviews and information about different cool apps and so we are doing to keep you up to dated about the latest apps and technology rumors. Android and iOS are surely IN

The Evolution of Online Travel [INFOGRAPHIC]

source: mashable

Hot New Design of iPhone 5

Excitement of iPhone 5 release which is expected anytime in this year is making everyone wondering about different things. What will be the latest features? How smart it would be? What will be the price and most obvious, how it will look like? Federico Ciccarese has just

Launch Center: A Nice App for iPhone

People always want such application which can make their task easier, their search better and the access to the needed items comfortable and faster. Life is becoming lightening fast and people need efficiency in every way. Things can be accessed in seconds instead of minutes. Here I’m

iPad 3: Who Will Buy One, and Why? [INFOGRAPHIC]

source: AYTM Research   via: mashable

The Power of the Social Consumer [INFOGRAPHIC]

source: mashable

Top 10 Best Gifts for Tech-Lovers

When it comes to purchasing gifts for friends and family, technology is usually the norm in this day and age. With technology rising faster than previously predicted, there are countless potential gifts one could acquire relating to technology. VOICEABLE has compiled a list of the top 10

Top 10 Best PS3 Games of 2012

2011 was PlayStation 3’s best year since its inception during 2006. Sony’s black behemoth machine had seen the released of over 20 titles which were exclusively launched for the platform alone. 2012 is upon us and with another stellar year in gaming due, VOICEABLE has compiled a

Farmville: The Hawaiian Paradise Coming Soon

Latest news for the Farmville Lovers, get set for the totally new interface of Farmville Hawaiian Paradise which is about to be released. The regular Farmville animals are under the Makeover Magic to get a totally new In Action appearance. The early access will be available though

World’s Most Expensive Cheese; Made of Gold

The world is full of wonders, natural and man-made. Sometimes the human mind works on such an effort which ends at a praiseworthy piece of art. Same thing happens in the history of food this time when the award winning British company, Foodie’s Cheese makers have produced