AT&T went step ahead and stretched the contemporary loom to immodest by posting on Twitter that the LG Thrill 4G will be presented on September 4th. Actually it’s the same LG Optimus 3D but with a different name as to what the carrier name’s it.

Here’s the word:

“Ur whole world in 3D, on 9/4 w/LG #Thrill4G with glasses-free 3D. Tell us how your world is going to come alive.”

The LG Thrill 4G (4G stands for HSPA+ here) has been mocked by AT&T for times and it was even up for pre-order on RadioShack.

The outlays we heard then from Radio Shack were $79.99 on a two-year agreement (after purchasing a $50 gift card in order to pre-order) or $550 off-deal. Well, now we’re coming to know that the price is $100 on contract. AT&T still left us in the dark to guess deep, however we’ll come to know the definite price this Sunday when the Thrill 4G lastly lands to AT&T.

This provides us some time to choose if we want one or not – but do remember that the handset will shortly be able to switch nearly any 3D game into a stereoscopic 3D game. Stay tuned!