Blackberry Archive

Top 250+ Best BlackBerry BBM Status Updates

RIM’s BlackBerry is slowly starting to lose its grip in the smart phone market. It used to be the leader of the very same market, with BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) spearheading the main reason of sales. Millions use BBM Status daily to communicate with their friends and family

Top 5 Best Smartphones Launched in 2013

Smartphones are an integral part of our daily life now. There are lots of Smartphones on the markets and choosing the best out of them can be a challenge. There are a lot of aspects involved and some of them include choosing the right OS, research, budget,

Top 10 Best Free BlackBerry Apps

  Although BlackBerry is slowly starting to lose its mark in the smart phone market, it still has a user base ranging in the tens of millions. The device, although it doesn’t mirror the same depth of Apple and Android’s app store, still have some great applications.

Top 10 Best Smart Phones of 2011

The Smartphone market has erupted into something consumers and indeed the smart phone industry never expected. The market has seen an unprecedented percentage of year-on-year growth which is sure to grow even further pending the arrival of several Android-powered devices in addition to, of course, Apple’s dominating

T-Mobile offering the BlackBerry Bold Touch 9900

The extended linger for all the BlackBerry enthusiasts, on T-Mobile U.S for a new handset has at last ended as of today, since the U.S carrier started selling the BlackBerry Bold Touch 9900. As you can witness from the above screenshot, the handset presents together a touch