Online blogging is the best way to earn money especially for those who know how to get a better Google ranking. Google Search Engine is quite sharp to observe the tricks which webmasters and bloggers use to get a better search engine optimization. So bloggers need to be quite expert in handling their website and to match Google quality criteria or they can be evicted in no time. Better optimization not only helps to give a higher place to website in search results but it also maintains the quality of your website. Well, it is not easy of course; you have to know latest tips and methods as Google’s experience needs continue efforts.  You need to be well aware of techniques and myths to work fine with your site or blog. It will save time and effort because if you will know these tricks, you don’t have to concentrate on the things which Google doesn’t regard as crucial. We have gathered some tips for you to get better rank in Google search engine and to make your blog or site successful.

Best SEO Tips to Get Better Google Ranking:

1.     Domain’s Age:

SEO experts have understood a fact after lots of efforts and troubles in the way of making better site ranking that age of domain helps a lot to get reliability and good rank. When your blog is new to search engine, you will not get as much traffic, but as long as it stays, it will become better. It is a fact that Google pays attention on the age of domain but still it has really less impact. There are many more things that stand as important. One of those important things is the useful content which you are offering to your readers. Quality, originality and effectiveness of your content do impact lots on website ranking.

2.     Tag Clouds:

Another big mistaken belief which hovers around is that tag clouds work as an important for better ranking. Over usage of tag clouds can not only effects on your website’s look but it also works as a negative factor in ranking. As the SEO experts know that the look of blog or site works a lot so do consider that tip, don’t over use tag clouds.

3.     Use of Keywords:

Several SEO experts advise to use keywords while making blog. You will find hundreds and thousands of Google keyword lists online. Web masters always keep asking to include the relevant keywords in your blog which take a lot of effort and time. It is harder when you are writing content and trying to adjust keywords everywhere in that. The truth is that putting keywords is not that much worthy and it doesn’t affect much. Google authorities are really keen to notice all those old tricks so they won’t allow such websites to get higher ranks. Google advises to not to pay attention at inserting Meta tags and just concentrate on Title Meta tag. The content should be original and relevant. If you are eager to know what effects lots, then pay heed to the originality of content and the topics which readers want to read.

4.     Update Blog Frequently:

The thing that effects really positively is that you must update new content frequently. Never leave your blog untouched. Put something useful over there every day. It doesn’t mean that doing this will let you get higher ranking because Google wants so. It is so because readers always want to read new stuff and it automatically enhances the value of your website or blog. Satisfying readers is your key to high ranking.

5.     Domain Name Trick:

It’s a bit tricky thing to understand. Always choose the domain name that is relevant to the stuff you are putting in it. It is called ‘Keyword Targeted Domain’. Like if you are giving tips and tricks in your blog, the blog name must be describing the nature of your blog. It helps readers to remember your domain and searching is easier for them.